
Simple Bhop

Simple Bhop script that won't bypass most anti-cheats. Works by adjusting the player speed and moving the player up when it touches the ground.

///script_info={name=api-example-1, description=API example script, author=skidunion, version=1.0.0}
const feature = client.features.register('SimpleBhop', 'Example feature');

feature.on('playerMove', Priorities.NORMAL, (e) => {
    if(client.utils.player.isMoving()) {
        if(mc.thePlayer.onGround) {
            e.y = 0.42;
            mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0.42; 

Animations Showcase

Plays every animation via Transitions.

///script_info={name=api-example-2, description=API example script, author=skidunion, version=1.0.0}
const feature = client.features.register('AnimationPreview', 'Example feature');

// ===========================================================================

const tr_types = ["linear", "quad_in", "quad_out", "quad_in_out", 
    "cubic_in", "cubic_out", "cubic_in_out", "quartic_in", "quartic_out", 
    "quartic_in_out", "quintic_in", "quintic_out", "quintic_in_out", 
    "sine_in", "sine_out", "sine_in_out", "expo_in", "expo_out", 
    "expo_in_out", "circ_in", "circ_out", "circ_in_out", "elastic_in", 
    "elastic_out", "elastic_in_out", "back_in", "back_out", "back_in_out", 
    "bounce_in", "bounce_out", "bounce_in_out"];

let tr = [];
let font;

for (var i = 0; i < tr_types.length; i++) {

feature.on('enable', Priorities.NORMAL, (e) => {
    font = client.fonts.createFontRenderer("RubikRegular", 10);

    for (var i = 0; i < tr.length; i++) {
        tr[i].start({ start: 10, end: 50, duration: 1000, type: tr_types[i] });

feature.on('renderScreen', Priorities.NORMAL, (e) => {
    for (var i = 0; i < tr.length; i++) {
        var x = 20.0 + tr[i].update().getValue();
        var y = 20.0 + i * 10;

        client.utils.render.drawRect(x, y, x + 5.0, y + 5.0, -1);

            mode: 'regular', text: tr_types[i],
            x: 20 + tr[i].getEnd() + 10, y: y + 2.5, color: -1

Last updated